

来源:学大教育     时间:2013-10-10 21:36:13


  1good morning/afternoon/night!

  2(it’s )time to get up!


  学习导航:除了这句,“it’s about time you get up!” “it’s time to get out of bed!” “it’s time to wake up!”也可以用来催别人起床。“it’s time to/for…” 表示“该……了”,可以根据不同情况添加不同的动词,比如“it’s time to have breakfast!”(该吃早餐了!)。

  a: it’s time to get up!

  b: i don’t“want”to.

  .(1)(sweet dreams!)

  (2)did the alarm clock go off?(please turn off the alarm clock.)

  (3)get up soon!

  (4) are you awake?

  (5) did you sleep well?——yes, i slept well/no, i couldn't fall asleep.

  (6) you finally got up.

  (7) i'm still sleppy.

  (8) did you stay up late /go to bed late last night?

  (9) let's fold upthe futton.(叠好)/put away the futton.(收起来)

  (10)you were snoring last night.

  (11)i had a nightmare last night.

  (13)you left the light on.(you forgot to turn off the light.)

  3 i have to go wash my face.


  学习导航:go和wash是两个动词相接,但在口语中可以这样说,可以把它当作go and wash的缩写型。另外,还可以在go后面加地点,比如“let’s go grocery shopping”(我们去杂货店买东西吧)。


  a: i have to go wash my face.

  b: don’t occupy the bathroom for too long.

  (1)don’t use too much toilet paper

  (2)wipe your bottom.(擦擦屁股。)

  (3)what should i wear?

  (4)hurry up and get dressed.

  (5)this shirt doesn't go with those pants!

  (6)put those pajamas away!

  (7)come sit at the table.

  (8)don't play with your food!

  (9)don;t talk woth your mouth full!

  (10)help dad /mum set the table/do the dishes.

  4. i’m leaving.


  学习导航:用现在进行时的形式表示正要离开。其它表达方式还有“i’m taking off now”,或者干脆简单地说“i am off now”。


  a: i’m leaving, mom.

  b: study hard!

  5. let’s play hooky today!


  学习导航:“play hooky”是俚语。一般的表达可以用“play truant”。


  a: let’s play hooky today!

  b: yeah, let’s.

  (1)if you don't hurry we'll be late/hurry or you'll be late for school.

  (2)have you locked the door/did you lock the door?

  (3)aren't you forgetting something?

  (4)i have to rush/get going/get moving/hurry(up)!

  (5)take your bag with you.

  (6)don't forget to lock the door when you leave.


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