

来源:学大教育     时间:2016-01-22     

exercise one


1.看一看2.教师节3.给你4、three ball pens


1.e 一支钢笔2.u 一把直尺3.a e 一支圆珠笔4.a一个笔袋 5.oo 一个书签 6.e 一本笔记本

三、a f e c b d

四、come in bookmark ruler pen here you are pencil case rubber red notebook

五、a book may pencil rubber for

六、i come may copybook for you may i for you are goodbye

七、her your my his his

八、come in good morning this for you card card goodbye

九.1.may i have that ball pen for david?

2.this notebook is for yang ling.

exercise two

一.1.an 熊猫2.ay蜡笔3.on 猴子4.io 狮子5.te 笔记本6.oo a 书签7.le 直尺8.en 铅笔

二、this dresses she thin u photos

三、1.x故事书2.x 手表3.√4.x 书签

5.x 狮子6.x 钢笔7. √8.x 可爱的

四、cars her play swimming mangoes teachers’ your pandas

五.a c a b c

六、1.多么可亲爱2.再见3.我明白4.多么好看的一个玩具熊猫5.过来6.in a toy shop7.this pencil 8、that pencil case 9、my purse 10.her ruler

七、c f d a g h e b

八、1.that is a cat.

2.is your rubber?

3.this nootbook is for liu tao.ok.

4.can i have a look?sure,here you are.

九.can may like nice for think


exercise three

一.pncil book his its what where puzzle car she he

二.1.u e a伞2.a o 蜡笔3.a er o l水壶4.ory故事书

三.d a c d

四.jeans gloves scoks shoes shorts scarf sweater jacket

五.1.海伦的钥匙2.没关系3.我的钱包4.过来5.在教室里6.在玩具店里7.over there8.on the desk9.have a look10excuse me

六.a acbcabcbaaaaaci

exercise four


二.1.进来2.喜欢这个风筝3.一个玩具兔子4.看一看5.给你6.in english7.his puppet8.your puzzle




六.there where they whose their

七.1.where is the pencil? may i have a pencil?

2.there is a notebook.do you like the toy?

3.what’s wrong?a hamburger?

exercise five

一.1.let us2.i am3.i’d4here’s5.four 6.aren’t 7.r 8.fat

二.hamurger bike bear chair puppet umbrella bag ball kite key pencil case



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